Friday, February 19, 2010

Announcements for week of Feb. 14, 2010

Congregational VHS (vision, huddle, skills) meeting is being held on Saturday, Feb. 20. It starts at 10am and goes until 4pm. Lunch is provided. All members are encouraged to attend.

Potluck and games night at Steve and Andrea's house on Sat. Feb. 20. Come by around 6pm with some food to share and stay for the fun!

Women's Extreme Makeover "Heart Addition" is being held at the Asler House in Erin on March 6, 2010 from 8:30am to 4pm. The cost is $40 and includes breakfast, lunch, activities and Sheila Gregorie via DVD. Please RSVP to either Donna or Maryanne before Mar. 1st.

Ladies' Spring Retreat is being held at Redeemer University in Ancaster on May 14 and 15. The speaker is Joanne Goodwin. The cost is $130 plus accommodations. The registration deadline is April 25th. For more info, contact Donna.

Small group Bible studies are continuing. On Tuesday nights, we meet at Steve and Andrea's house to dig into Philippians. On Thursday nights, we meet at Mike Ramsey's house to dig into Galatians. All are welcome to join us!

And, finally, YES! The rumours are true! Youth group will begin next Saturday, Feb. 27th, at 8pm at the church. This is our kick-off event so all pre-teens and teens from grades 6 to 12 are welcome to join us. For more info, contact Steve.

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