David Lewis is our visiting interim speaker until the end of June, although there will also be some different speakers at various times.
Tues. afternoons from 1-3 pm at the church Ladies Bible Study for all ages of women.
Wed. Quilting and Craft day in the Library from approx. 9:30 am to 3:00 pm Bring along your knitting or needlework and join some other women.
LADIES - "Potluck Breakfasts" are the 2nd Sat. of the month. Next one is Sat. May 8th, 2010
when we will be having a speaker come in from one of our local Funeral homes to speak to us about planning a Funeral and what one needs to do when a loved one passes on. 9:00 am downstairs in the church.
Saturday, June 12, 2010 for 10:00 am. We will be having a Potluck Luncheon this day.
Have you ever tried to do any scrapbooking? Come and learn how to design a scrapbooking page with our 'mystery guest'.
Materials will all be provided. Ladies, please bring in a few pictures….approx. 2-6 pictures depending on how long you’d like to stay around and how many pages you’d like to do.
Costs will be minimal, and based on a love offering/donations to cover the guest speaker's time & materials. We will be having a pot-luck luncheon (make it finger foods or things that don’t require much preparation) and working on the scrapbooking pages before and after it. Even if you’d rather not do this, please come out to the luncheon, and if you’d like to sit and watch you are more than welcome to do so. Bring along a friend or neighbour, or even your (10+ aged) daughter who might enjoy this.
If you have a scrapbook that you’d like to bring along and start setting up, then please feel free to do so. You can even use a normal binder to display your pictures, along with some clear pages.
Come on out and have some ‘Hand’s On” fun and make something you can treasure for many years, as well as enjoy some great food and fellowship with the other ladies.
Ladies Retreat at Redeemers College in Ancaster May 14-15, 2010 with deadline for registration on April 15. Cost is $40 for the night and $130 for the retreat which runs from Friday evening thro' Sat. evening. Dessert night on Friday evening.... Lunch & supper included Sat. Ugliest Sweater Contest, and Speaker Joanne Goodwin who is known to be a hilarious speaker to hear.
Small Group Studies
The Tues. Small Group is moving to Friday nights as of April 23rd, and will be starting at 8 pm so keep that in mind. It will continue to be held at the home of Steve & Andrea Johnson, 60 Orange St Orangeville 519-307-0820 For more info you call. There will no longer be a study on Tues. & Thurs. evenings.
For Urgent Prayer Needs: Please call Rosalind Thomas 941-0617
If you wish to put anything in the Bulletin, please contact Donna at 941-9037
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